
Hello! I'm Chantal! I'm currently based in my hometown of Austin, Texas and also embroider Read Receipts and make Chantal Ceramics.
Send Moods is an outlet for my desire to have more clothing with good art on it. I was going to call it Send Nudes and just do all beautiful naked Renaissance bodies but then I realized all my emails would go directly to spam lol so I've called it Send Moods instead.
Since Send Moods is still a baby I'm using a print-on-demand service to get it up and running. This means I don't see the products before they ship and it won't arrive in cool packaging—so please be aware that this is just the first step! Print-on-demand also means everything is final sale and pieces cannot be returned or exchanged so please double check the sizing charts.
Thanks for bearing with me as we go on this journey together and I hope Send Moods brings you the same joy it brings me :)